Thursday 31 July 2014

Tips To Define Smartphones

Tips To Define Smartphones

Defining a smartphone exactly is not at all easy. Broadly speaking, any high-end phone with multiple features and sophisticated functionalities is called so. Thus, price range, features, and functionalities are important factors in defining smartphones. 


Since these factors vary from phone to phone, and sometimes the difference is so little that setting parameters for labelling a phone becomes next to impossible. Yet, as of now, a full-fledged email support seems to be the key defining feature of smartphones.

According to tech gurus, there are two basic differences between ordinary mobile phones and smartphones: the way they are built and the things they can do. They are built by making use of open systems to take advantage of the skills, energy and innovation of numerous companies from a vast range of industries. 

This means that smartphones extend the traditional track record of mobile phones by constant and rapid improvement.

Regarding their capabilities, a lot is expected from them: wireless e-mail, Internet, Web browsing, and fax, intercom function, personal information management, online banking, LAN connectivity, Graffiti style data entry, local data transfer between phone set and computers, remote data transfer between phone set and computers, remote control of computers and much more. 

The common traits that seem to be there in smartphones are that they should be voice-centric devices (voice is the primary function, data is secondary) and offer PDA-like capabilities.

The problem is that almost all the new mobile phones have some rudimentary PDA functionality such as phonebooks, calendars, and to-do lists. Moreover, BREW and Java ME devices have capabilities for installation of additional applications; but these devices are not yet considered smartphones

In addition to that the constant additions in capabilities of all mobile phones, the qualifying features of smartphones are getting complicated. For the finale, it can said that so long your phone is capable of offering the best of what a mobile phone has to offer, it will be regarded as a smartphones.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Tips to Send E-mail Forwards

            Tips to Send E-mail Forwards

Here's the best information about:-
       1) when
       2) how to send e-mail forwards:


1) Never.

I do not really enjoy reading e-mail forwards. Oh, I'm not saying that they're trash. Most of them are quite good. But as a writer, I always wonder about the author of those wonderful tidbits of wisdom or humor. 

Surely every good bit of wisdom or humor being circulated on the Internet was not authored by "anonymous", and yet there are never any names attached to those forwards. Are we really sure that the writer wanted his/her work to be circulated all over the Internet for free? 

Are we certain that the words did not come from a copyrighted book or web site? If not, we really should not be forwarding them.

2) See answer #1 above.
It's really not necessary to give instructions about how to send forwards if you follow rule #1.

If you must send e-mail forwards, rule #1 is to select the recipients carefully.

Never, ever, ever just hit the forward button at the top of your e-mail and send an email to your entire address book. If you're like most of us, your friends are not cookie-cutter people.

Perhaps you have some friends who only eat red meat and some who only eat veggies. You might have some friends who love snow and others who abhor it. Some of your friends might love poetry, while others only read historical novels.

Since your friends are all different, chances are that not every one of them will enjoy each and every cutie e-mail that you receive. So, if you must send something you've received to your friends, be kind enough to sort through your address book to figure out which ones might actually be interested.

Always put your name in the To: location and your friends' e-mail addresses under bcc. Always.

Never, ever, ever just type all the selected names in the To: place on your e-mail. Why, you ask? First, by doing that you have just given my e-mail address to ten or twenty or forty other people whom I may not know or may not want to know.

If only half of them forward the e-mail on without removing names and only half of those recipients do the same thing, and so on and so one into infinity, my e-mail address has been forwarded to hundreds, or thousands of people. Friend, that is not something I want to happen.

Instead, type your own name in the To: location. And type all the names or e-mail addresses in the bcc: location. That's not the cc: location, since that would defeat the purpose of keeping my address out of the hands of strangers.

Nope, I want my e-mail address in the bcc: location if you are sending something to me and dozens of others. (That's blind copy, in case you didn't know.)

Always cut and paste the information into a new e-mail. Do not just forward the material, because those pesky >>>> symbols will follow along.

Now, you may think that hitting the forward button and erasing all the e-mail addresses at the top of the page, sending it to yourself with blind copies to your friends is enough. It's not. By hitting the forward button, you've generated those pesky line break markers, you know >>>>.

If the e-mail you are forwarding has been forwarded a number of times without removing those nasty things, it likely has a bunch of them. The remedy for this is to never just forward a message. Instead, cut and paste it into a new e-mail.

That's it. These are pretty simple instructions to follow if you MUST send e-mails to all of your friends, relatives, business associates, acquaintances, and anyone who has been unlucky enough to make it into your address book.

Tips To Buy Better Bluetooth Headset

Tips To Buy Better Bluetooth Headset

The Bluetooth headset is a wonderful device. It gives you freedom from the messy cables and creates connection between you and your PC or mobile phone wirelessly. 

Putting a small, cute and comfy device in your ear, you can take delight of the music stored in your mobile phone or PC. The voice quality of Bluetooth headset is simply superb.


Interestingly, while listening to music with these technically advanced headsets, you will have no chance to miss a call. Whenever any call is made to your phone, you will be alerted about it. 

You can take the call and continue with the conversation. Some of the sophisticated Bluetooth headsets automatically stops and resumes the music during the time of incoming calls.

However, the market of electronic goods is flooded with Bluetooth headsets. Along with the famous brands, there are less known manufacturers who continuously produce this device. Sometime the production of such companies arrests the attention of the onlookers very easily by virtue of their design and colour. 

Though all of these headsets cannot be passed up as poor in quality, it also cannot be guaranteed that they will be powerful in performance.

So, whenever anybody wants to buy a Bluetooth headset, he should take pain to ensure that he is buying the right thing for him. In this regard, one can take notice of a few facts. 

Among them the reliability of the manufacturer, the comfortably, compatibility and functionality of the device must be judged. Despite that so many other small details can be taken care of.

The weight of the Bluetooth headset you are going to buy is an important thing to be considered. Then you may give attention to facts like whether it has any keys to adjust the volume level, is it compatible to other mobile phones, if it has place to store data, and does the battery last for long time. 

Accentuating on all these points, you can definitely increase your chance of buying good Bluetooth headset for you.

The Most Common Local Phone Bill Errors

The Most Common Local Phone Bill Errors 

After over 100 years of practice, telephone companies still cannot seem to get it right. In a study of clients over a five-year period, TelCon Associates found that 77.4% were incorrectly charged on one or more of their telecom bills.


The bulk of these errors were uncovered primarily for local and intralata services.
While the percentage of errors is high, billing errors usually account for only a small portion of total savings during telecommunications audits.

Nevertheless, it is a good idea to be familiar with the most common errors that will appear on your local telephone bills. Keep in mind that errors may take the form of "overbilling" and/or "under billing".

Routine examination of your local phone bills will, sooner or later, turn up the one or more of the following most common types of errors:

#1 - Intermittent Error

Intermittent errors are just as the name implies - they appear on a non-regular basis. This type of error is usually associated with the "Other Charges and Credits" pages of the phone 
bill. Examples of intermittent errors may include:

Other charges and credits for installation or changes are often found to be incorrect, especially for services provided under many negotiated deals or contracts.
Incorrect applications for refunds or credit adjustments are another typical intermittent error. Surprisingly, you may find this error soon after your carrier representative has agreed to the refund or credit!

Charges for uncompleted calls are sometimes found on billings from two types of vendors-resellers using feature group A connections to carrier central offices, and vendors that are reselling service from a virtual private network.

Facility malfunctions can result in you being charged for lines that are not working resulting in higher charges for usage forced onto other lines or services.

#2 - Recurring Errors

Recurring errors are the result of incorrect information and data in the vendors' customer service records. These types of errors can be very costly simply because they appear each and every month until they are corrected.

Examples may include: inventory discrepancies, contract discrepancies, differences in tariff or rating regarding grade of service, mileage charges, enhancements, etc.

Recurring errors are not as easily uncovered as are intermittent errors. This type of error can only be corrected through a thorough audit of customer service records. A routine examination of phone bills will not reveal all recurring errors.

#3 - Tax Errors

Tax errors are most commonly associated with exemptions or incorrect taxing districts. 
When facilities are taxed incorrectly, the associated usage charges may also be taxed incorrectly. Examples of tax errors may include:

-Taxes being collected after exemption has been filed (a copy of the applicable exemption certificate or earlier exempt billing will verify the overbilling)

-Exempt account without authorization

-Taxes applied for wrong jurisdiction

-Taxes applied despite statutes or rulings exempting them

#4 - Metering and Database Errors

These types of errors are commonly associated with local and long-distance calling charges. They can occur through metering malfunctions or clerical transcription errors. Examples include:

-Double metering (easy to identify since each call is shown twice and in complete detail)

-Charges for incomplete calls.

-Usage from a different subscriber (another easily identifiable error-charge for another individual's line number will appear on carrier bill)

#5 - Telecom Agent Errors

Agent errors continue to be a problem as more and more agents are accepting either partial or end-to-end responsibility for service segments provided by vendors.

Agent misfeasance occurs when a supplier orders or assumes responsibility for service segments provided by several different carriers or vendors, and then fails to exercise responsibility for those services. Examples may include:

-Local lines ordered and installed by equipment vendor or IXC. (In the event those lines are no longer needed, the agent is nowhere to be found to cancel the unused lines and services!)

-Excessive or sub-optimum facilities installed

-Promises of credits or changes that fail to materializeTelecom billing errors will never disappear. However, even a little knowledge in what kinds of errors to look for can go a long way in reducing telecom expenses.

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